ART @ MG Mardleybury Gallery

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Chiuso da sabato 9 luglio a sabato 16 luglio 2022 per ferie - Date comprese
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Sally Taylor

Sally graduated from Central School of Art and Design in 1979 with a BA (Hons) in Textile Design and has since worked in a variety of roles, but always with design at the heart. Becoming a freelance artist and illustrator a couple of years ago, Sally has shown her work at a variety of exhibitions around
Hertfordshire including Open Studios and the Big Art Fair; landscapes, famous portraits and pictures of animals plus floral compositions.
With an enjoyment of understanding new techniques that help to tell a story, illustrating a set of words or phrases or to depicting a view, Sally loves the challenge of learning and exploring. That coupled with developing a technical ability drive Sally onwards in her creative journey, delighting in creating artworks that provide an expression of herself and her view of life.
Sally’s current series of work makes use of a medium which reacts with water, exploding with a myriad of coloured pigments. Each painting uses this unpredictability to connect with the viewer; Brusho Crystal Pigments are fun to explore and challenging to control, with the powders giving right and clear colours which can be mixed and used with a variety of bases including water and starch and built into layers by applying varnishes. Glitters and sparkles as a fun element showing off how sunlight dances on water, or how sand glistens.
Sally is a member of Herts Visual Arts and the Society of Art for All Artists and is now studying for an MA in Illustration through the University of Hertfordshire.