ART @ MG Mardleybury Gallery

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Chuck Monroe

Studied Fine Art at the Academy of Arts in Kassel, Germany 1972-1976 where he obtained a BA Hons in Fine Art and developed his skills in various mediums producing works in oil, watercolour, airbrush, silk painting, lithography, printing, and object-making.
Chuck arrived in the UK in 1999 and had his first Millennium exhibition at Harlow Library. This was followed by another exhibition at Loughton Library and the Royal Academy Summer Show 2000.
His works have continued to be exhibited in numerous venues in London and throughout the UK each year, amounting to more than one hundred venues and societies over the past 25 years. He has earned the respect and friendship of distinguished artists throughout this time and his works are held in private collections in Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands,
Spain, the USA, and the UK.
Chuck remained living in London’s East End for a considerable time and has produced a series of local shop fronts which reflect his neighbourhood there. He takes pleasure in creating images that are related to childhood memories such as the Gumball Machines and Tin Toys, classic cars and iconic portraits. He often picks his subject to be an insignificant object of everyday life that would otherwise be overlooked. His work is produced in series so to explore and build upon his ideas. They are mostly painted in oil on canvas or panel. He aims to develop a simple application of paint and brush in such a manner that it enables the viewer to embrace the sentiment at the heart of his inspiration.
Chuck views the universal contribution of all artists as a reflection of cultural reference, the access to art as intrinsic to our quality of life and perspective.