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ART @ MG Mardleybury Gallery

Giorni e orari di apertura della galleria
Giovedì - Domenica dalle 11:00 alle 16:30 - SG3 6SG
Telefono 01438 488513/07794510750
Chiuso da sabato 9 luglio a sabato 16 luglio 2022 per ferie - Date comprese
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Graham French

Graham French. Watercolour artist from Knebworth.
Graham is a self taught artist, he discovered his passion for watercolours during the first lockdown in 2020, after his partner suggested he try it. He finds enjoyment in the great outdoors, having been born and raised in the countryside of Hertfordshire, and his paintings reflect this. Graham's watercolours allow you to relax in the paintings serenity.
Graham gets a lot of his inspiration from trips to the emerald isle, from which he saw many traditional homes left by the wayside. He enjoys trying to save these old places for posterity in his paintings. His artwork is heavily influenced by the Irish countryside and several of his pieces are of scenes from there.
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