ART @ MG Mardleybury Gallery

Giorni e orari di apertura della galleria
Giovedì - Domenica dalle 11:00 alle 16:30 - SG3 6SG
Telefono 01438 488513/07794510750
Chiuso da sabato 9 luglio a sabato 16 luglio 2022 per ferie - Date comprese
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Dean Booker
Dean Booker is a contemporary digital artist whose work is modern, vibrant and abstract in nature. Having entered the Channel 4 Yr.1 photography competition, in 2000, Dean's work was selected for the short list and subsequently was exhibited at The Photographers Gallery in London. This prize further stirred Dean's interest in the digital photography & art movement.
Following an inspirational trip throughout California USA, in the early 2000`s, Dean found that he was influenced by the local art culture on display and its community. Encouraged by this experience Dean began his journey into the newly forming Digital Art Community. Gaining momentum Dean soon transitioned into working full time in creating digital art.
Dean's inspiration comes from the ever-changing world around us with subjects ranging between travel, nature, climate and technology. Using the monitor as the canvas and mixing colours onto a virtual paint palette, using the mouse as a paint brush, each piece of work Dean produces and sells is the original (1/1) meaning every piece of artwork is unique.